BC Achievement Indigenous Business Award
December 6, 2020Nupqu Communicable Disease Prevention Policy |
Effective Date: July 28, 2021 |
To prevent the transmission of communicable disease in our workplace. This policy has been developed to clarify the changes to procedures as we move from COVID-19.
The overall risk and consequences of COVID-19 have diminished in BC. We have moved into Phase 3 of our provincial plan in which the focus is communicable disease prevention.
Communicable disease are illnesses that can be transmitted in the workplace through person-to-person contact. Some examples include COVID-19, norovirus, season influenza or the common cold.
Nupqu is following the four-step process
This policy is relevant for all Nupqu employees.
Step 1: Understanding the Risk
We will prevent communicable disease by implementing ongoing measures to reduce the risk of transmission. Nupqu will support employees for receiving vaccinations and other vaccine-preventable conditions.
Step 2: Implement measures, practices and policies to reduce the risk
Nupqu will take ongoing measures to reduce the risk of communicable diseases in our workplace. This will include implementing additional measures when advised to do so by public health. The risk of certain communicable diseases including COVID-19 may increase on a seasonal basis and increased prevention measures may be implemented.
Nupqu will monitor communicable disease information issued by Interior Health if it is related to our geographical area, or workplace.
Nupqu will implement and maintain the following measures at all times.
- Policies to support staff who have symptoms of communicable disease so they can avoid coming to the workplace when they are sick.
- Provide well stocked hand hygiene facilities. We will use policies and signage to remind workers to wash their hands and cover coughs and sneezes.
- Maintain a clean environment through routine cleaning practices.
- Ensure that building ventilation is adequate and properly maintained.
- Ensure appropriate PPE (face masks) is readily available.
- Support employees to receive COVID-19 vaccinations
Additional Measures will be implemented if advised by Public Health
Step 3: Communicate measures, practices and policies.
Nupqu will ensure that everyone entering our workplace receives information about our measures, practices and policies for managing communicable disease.
This includes;
- Updated policies are shared in the monthly safety meetings, via safety alerts when time sensitive, and posted in all offices.
- Workers are provided with the policies on staying home when sick and working from home.
- Signage is posted in our workplaces, so all are aware of the measures in place.
- Supervisors are aware of all measures, practices and policies and incorporate them into the workplace.
- We will maintain confidentiality regarding in the specifics of individual cases.
Step 4: Monitor our workplace and update our plan as necessary.
- We will continually monitor the situation and update our plan as required to reflect changing risk levels.
- Work with JOHSC committee to identify risks.
- Use workplace inspections and supervision to ensure protocols are being maintained and followed.
- Continually monitor public health guidance and update as required.
- Make sure workers know how to raise health and safety concerns.
- Masks are not required but recommended for those over 12 years old who have not been fully vaccinated.