Nupqu is experienced with both small and large scale projects related to various industries including, but not limited to:

  • Mining
  • Forestry
  • Hydro-electric
  • Residential
  • Municipalities
  • Parks and recreation
  • Private development (Subdivisions, residential housing projects, private industrial developments, etc.)
  • Non-profit societies and communication companies

Industry Professionals

Nupqu employs a team of qualified, professional archaeologists able to complete all archaeological assessments legislated under the Heritage Conservation Act (HCA) administered by BC Archaeology Branch and specific policies and procedures defined by regional First Nation Councils; including Archaeological Overview Assessments (AOA), Preliminary Field Reconnaissance (PFR), Archaeological Impact Assessments (AIA) and Site Alteration Permits (SAP).


Archaeological assessments are an integral part of the comprehensive Environmental Impact Studies required for all mine projects. As a result, Nupqu is able to provide a range of services from the pre-planning stage, including the archaeological potential mapping, through to the implementation of field work and archaeological site monitoring. Based on the annual demand, Nupqu is able to hold a blanket permit to cover mining operations (e.g. gravel, coal & precious metals) to facilitate an efficient process for clients to complete their archaeological requirements.


Nupqu annually holds a blanket permit for forestry-related developments within the greater Kootenay region, which includes terrain formerly defined as the Rocky Mountain, Columbia, Kootenay Lake and Arrow Boundary forest districts.  Nupqu currently holds contracts with small private forestry companies and larger corporations as well as the sectors within the BC government.


Nupqu currently holds a blanket permit for BC Hydro for smaller-scale projects within the Columbia Operating Region as well as permits related to both gas and electrical operations for FortisBC.

Private Development

Nupqu is able to provide variable forms of archaeological assessment for municipal development; whether a preliminary field reconnaissance for a simple subdivision of land or a large-scale commercial development that requires Overview and Impact Assessment. A discussion with one of our archaeologists can clarify the level and intensity of the assessment that would be required.

Public Archaeology

We are proud to encourage  and educate archaeological enthusiasts of all ages by enhancing their understanding of archaeology. Nupqu provides a variety of fun and educational activities that focus on local archaeology and pre-contact cultural history, including in-class  presentations, field trips, flint knapping demonstrations  and archaeological mock excavations.