Do property owners/contractors need to have assessments done before developing on their own property?

Before starting any excavation an Archaeology Data Request Form must be submitted to the Archaeology Branch to comply with the Heritage Act. Once reviewed the Ministry of Forests Lands and Natural Resource Operations will let the applicant know if there is an archaeological potential within the property boundaries.  Disturbance of an archaeological site is illegal  and is subject to possible legal action. For more information visit Property Owners & Developers FAQ.

I submitted an application to subdivide my property, and was told I need and archaeology assessment. What now?

Recent changes to many regulatory agencies’ archaeology screening processes has resulted in a vast increase in the number of prescriptions for archaeological assessments prior to subdivision approval. The process often involves multiple governmental agencies, stakeholders, and consultants, and can be confusing and frustrating for the landowner. Nupqu has recently conducted assessments for a number of subdivision projects, and have worked closely with several government  agencies to ensure a mutually positive outcome. We have prepared an information package for landowners faced with the prospect of a required archaeological assessment. To discuss your individual project needs, and to obtain our information package, please email Aaron Higgs at ahiggs@nupqu.com.

I found an artifact! What now?

If you think you have discovered an archaeological site, please contact the Archaeology Branch at (250) 953-3334.  In the case of human remains, contact your local RCMP as well as the Archaeology Branch, more information can be found at Procedures for Reporting Human Remains.

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